So - my fist publication as a solo artist have hit the shelves here in Denmark, and I'm super excited. It's part of the second H.P.Lovecraft anthology called "I Ly Af Mørket II" (Under cover of Darkness II), a 170 pages hardcover book, released by the comicbook-publisher "Afkom". And inside is my interpretation of HPL's "Azathoth". It's my first 100% solo endeavour, and I'm super happy to see it on print.
Fotos seen here are from the publisher, showing two of my pages in the book - if you happen to understand Danish, and would like to order a copy, check it out here: I LY AF MØRKET II
oooooooooooh cool. I'd doubt I'd ever be able to buy a copy or find one around me. but the art is really nice.